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Paper or electronic filing?

If you ask me, the electronic filing route was far superior. I was able to file my US citizenship application within an hour or two. While filing, I was also able to pause and save my application state if I needed to provide additional documents or look up some of the information.

But the paper filing route is still an important option for many. Having a physical paper application gives some people a sense of security and comfort. It gives them plenty of time to consult family, friends, or legal counsel without feeling rushed.

Personally, I was worried about filing a paper application. I worried about me making a mistake and sending my immigration information to the wrong address and losing it permanently, or the application letter being lost somewhere during transport. There was also a worry of having the data entry person make a typo and delaying the whole process. During the paper application for my passport, both my first and last names had major typos.

Whether you are a paper-filing or filing electronically, here are some things to consider.

Paper filing pros:

  • Plenty of time to seek a second opinion on certain questions.
  • If you make a mistake, you can start over from a blank sheet.

Electronic filing pros:

  • If you make a mistake, no need to start over, just work on the section with the mistake.
  • The instant feedback, you will receive an instant receipt and a case number.
  • You will receive weekly status notifications.
  • Email notification to let you know that the paper documents will arrive within days.

Paper Filing Cons:

  • If you make one mistake at the end, you have to start from scratch and re-do all of the paperwork. If you work with a translator, that may be an additional cost to you.
  • There is always a possibility of your mail getting lost.
  • Once U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services receives your letter. You have to hope that no mistake is made during data entry.
  • The biggest Con for the paper filing is waiting without any immediate feedback.

Electronic Filing Cons:

  • Requires a computer, and mobile phone for two-factor authentication. See the other things that may be required.
  • Credit or Debit Card for filing fees.

Whatever you chose, you must be absolutely confident in the process and feel that it’s a safe route for your important documents.