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Biometrics Appointment

What to expect

At a citizenship application biometrics appointment, you will be asked to submit your fingerprints and your photo will be taken. Your height, weight, eye, and hair color information will also be collected. I have not heard of anyone being denied or turned away for a hairstyle or clothing, however, I personally know several people who have been turned away for damaged or missing fingerprints.

For damaged fingerprints, if it’s an old irreparable scar, a technician will make a note about damage in the system. For newer damage like scrapes or scars, you will be rescheduled for a later date.

For missing fingerprints, you will likely be asked to get additional documents from your local law enforcement.

Please bring all relevant paperwork and definitely your appointment letter.

Q & A

What biometrics will be collected at the biometrics appointment?

Your photo and your fingerprints, as well as your height, weight, hair color, and eye color.

How should I prepare for photos?

Wear appropriate clothing and hairstyle. Your biometrics photo will be used on your certificate.

How should I prepare for fingerprinting?

Avoid activities that may damage your fingerprints such as.

  • Avoid abrasive hand cleaners that may damage your skin.
  • Avoid too frequent hand washing as it may dry out your skin
  • Hydrate your skin.